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Turn anything learnable.
Generate duolingo-like program for your lecture notes, books and more.
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Import from lecture note, books and pdf with ease.
Bitable size of knowledge cards would be generated.
Learn with examples, analogy and questions.
Commit to long-term memory through smart repetition.
A learning system backed by science.
Breaks down complex knowledge into smaller, more manageable pieces.
Scaffolding techniques
Use of prompts, examples, and analogy to tackle abstract knowledge.
Immediate feedback
Provide Instant response to action to reinforce understanding.
Interleaved Practice
Short, mix sessions of various topics that encourage concept distinction.
Active Recall
Intentionally retrieval knowledge to strengthen memory.
Spaced Repetition
Review through increasing intervals to commit to long-term memory.
Simplify and re-organize the material.
We convert long, boring texts into bitable size of knowledge cards in tree structure.
Intrinsic Load
Break down complication into bitable piece of knowledge.
Extraneous Load
Minimizing distractions and unnecessary details.
An easy and effective learning journey.
Our evidence-based learning routines enables you to tackle complication with ease.
Working memory
Go through 7 cards at a time to avoid overwhelm.
Easy to hard questions to boost understanding.
Remember through repetition.
Forgetting is now a choice. Every revision would get your exponential reward in retention.
Forgetting Curve
Our smart algorithm help you remember with minimized effort.